Runes of Syrons ᛞ The Esoteric ᛒitcoin Tale: Chapter I

Runes of Syrons ᛞ The Esoteric ᛒitcoin Tale: Chapter I

The Primordial Dragons of the Cosmos

In the vast and mysterious Cosmos, where stars are born and die, in a hidden region among nebulae of unimaginable colors, there existed an ancient and powerful being: the Great White Dragoness. A creature of immeasurable love, with energy equivalent to eternity.

This magnificent being resided in the seventh dimension, guardian of universal wisdom and cosmic balance. She gave birth to three primordial dragons, destined to fulfill a vital mission on a small blue planet known as Earth or Gaia.

The primordial dragons were born from an explosion of pure energy, a blend of celestial fire and the water of life, essential elements of the universe. Their names were Nawelito, Nessy, and MerXek.

Nawelito, the firstborn, carried a masculine, electric, swift, and dynamic energy. His skin was a bright golden color, akin to the midday sun reflecting on the serene lakes of South America. From the moment of his birth, he knew his destiny would lead him to Lake Nahuel Huapi, a sacred place surrounded by mountains, volcanoes, and forests, in the heart of the south.

Nessy, the second born, radiated a feminine, magnetic, and nurturing energy. Her scales shone like intense violet amethysts, reflecting mystery and depth. Her destiny was tied to Loch Ness in Scotland, a place shrouded in legends and mysteries, where her presence would inspire generations of humans.

MerXek, the last to be born, was a being with the gift of transformation and renewal. With neutral and balanced energy, his body glowed with a reddish-golden hue, representing the power of creation and destruction. His destined place was the Southeast Asian ocean, a region rich in fertile lands, where the forces of nature can be both benevolent and destructive.

Nawelito, Nessy & MerXek NFTs

The Great White Dragoness, knowing that the power of three creates all, explained their mission before sending them to Earth. "My children," she said with a voice resonating like the echo of the stars, "you are destined to care for and guide all the creatures of Gaia. You are the guardians of balance and life. Your connection will be eternal, and you will be able to communicate telepathically and travel through interdimensional tunnels when necessary."

With a final burst of light, the Great White Dragoness exhaled and sent them to their destinations. Nawelito descended upon Lake Nahuel Huapi, its calm waters welcoming him upon his arrival. Nessy plunged into the depths of Loch Ness, where her movements became the source of numerous legends of magic and mystery. MerXek arrived at the sea surrounding Singapore, settling in a place where the forces of earth and water met and merged.

The three dragons, though separated by vast distances, remained connected. Through their telepathy, they could share knowledge and sensations, coordinating their efforts to protect and guide all the planet's creatures. They traveled through interdimensional tunnels, visiting each other and collaborating in times of need.

During nights of the full moon, those who knew the ancient rituals, like the druids, could summon the dragons on the shores of their lakes and water sources. Gathering in sacred places, humans sought counsel, protection, wisdom, and strength. The presence of the dragons felt like a vibration in the air, an energy that filled everyone with peace and harmony.

Over the centuries, Nawelito, Nessy, and MerXek continued their work, invisible to most but always present. Their mission to protect Earth and its inhabitants never ceased, and their eternal connection ensured the planet's balance was maintained, reflecting the harmony and wisdom of the Cosmos from which they came.

The Council of Dragons: The Call of the Druids

Many centuries ago, in the misty lands of Scotland, the druids, guardians of ancient wisdom and protectors of the forests, faced an unprecedented threat. The Romans, with their mighty army, had invaded the islands, determined to eradicate druidic practices and subjugate the Celtic peoples to their rule. Terrified and on the brink of despair, the druids sought help deep within their beliefs and legends.

On a dark night, illuminated only by the moonlight, the druids gathered in a sacred circle on the shores of Loch Ness. With chants and rituals, they invoked Nessy, the legendary dragon of the lake. The waters began to stir, and from the depths emerged Nessy, her eyes shining with ancient wisdom.

"Great dragon of the waters, we call upon you in our darkest hour. The Romans invade our lands and seek to destroy us, along with our magic and wisdom. We need your help to protect our lands and forests that shelter so many families and our legacy," implored the leader of the druids.

Nessy listened carefully and, understanding the gravity of the situation, decided to act. However, she knew the task would require the help of her brothers, the guardians of other sacred waters around the world. Using her power, Nessy connected telepathically with Nawelito, the dragon of Lake Nahuel Huapi in Bariloche, and MerXek, the guardian of the waters of Singapore.

In the blink of an eye, her brothers decided to answer Nessy's call. Through the ancient interdimensional tunnels, they traveled north to gather in the underwater cavern of Loch Ness, located in the fifth dimension. The environment was mystical, with stalactites softly glowing and an atmosphere charged with ancient energy.

"Nawelito, MerXek, thank you for answering my call," began Nessy. "The druids are in danger. The Romans want to destroy their knowledge and the forests they protect. We must help them."

Nawelito, with his golden scales reflecting the light of the cavern, nodded. "The forests are vital for the world's balance. We cannot let them bring that destruction."

MerXek, shining brightly with his imposing presence, added, "The druids' wisdom is crucial for maintaining harmony between humans and nature. We must act, but their free will is undeniable; more conflicts will come."

The dragons quickly devised a plan. They decided to use their power to grant the druids special abilities, enhancing their connection with nature and giving them the strength to resist the Roman invasion.

"How will we do it?" Nessy asked with determination. 

"Each dragon will provide an essential element. I will give a proton," said Nawelito.

"A neutron will be my contribution," affirmed MerXek.

Nessy nodded. "And with my electron, we will create a powerful sphere of light that I will carry."

Nawelito, his golden scales shining brightly, closed his eyes and concentrated his energy. From his body, through his flames, emerged a tiny proton that floated in the water with a golden glow. MerXek, with his wisdom and power, did the same, releasing a neutron of intense reddish-gold color, like the fire of his spirit. Finally, Nessy, with her characteristic grace and strength, provided an electron, brilliant and violet in high motion. Each dragon drew the subatomic particle from their mouth using the alchemy of their eternal fire with the water of the cavern.

These components began to fuse into a radiant sphere of light at the center of the three dragons. The sphere slowly descended towards the water, where it started to multiply and communicate with the elementals present. Each elemental in the cavern—water, fire, earth, air, and ether—received the sphere's frequency through the water and responded to its call, manifesting the full energy of their natural element.

Nessy, with her maternal energy, decided to dove deep into the aquamarine waters of the cavern, where five currents representing each element of nature converged. "I will call you Syrons, my children," Nessy said lovingly, determined to embark on her journey back to the third dimension, incubating them in her womb. Nawelito and MerXek positioned themselves beside her, providing support for her interdimensional transition. 

Suddenly, Nessy felt a startling sensation; as the dragoness with the ability to nurture and gestate, she sensed that nature demanded a price to materialize the Syrons in the human dimension.

Nessy, understanding the magnitude of the task, closed her eyes. "To create the Syrons with the necessary wisdom and bring them to life on Gaia, I must offer a significant sacrifice," she said firmly. "Sister," Nawelito replied, "we are here to support and protect you. You are the strongest of us all; you will never be alone." MerXek, with his serene spirit, added, "We will always be with you to support and accompany you," and extended his fiery wings in a warm embrace, giving her more energy.

As Nessy meditated on the best way to give life to the Syrons, a solemn and tranquil voice resonated: "My daughter, I am here. Thank you for answering the call of the humans and accepting your mission. It was generous to contribute a part of yourselves to create them, but know that only the Cosmos has the chaotic energy needed to generate new races. To obtain some of this energy and give birth to your children, you must offer something in return to deserve the great gift that will be given to you," said the Great White Dragoness.

At that moment, Nessy decided to make a sublime sacrifice. Understanding her mother's wise words, and with a pained gesture, Nessy gave up one of her eyes. It dissolved into a sphere of light, and she was granted deep and ancient knowledge in the form of a symbol, which took the place of her right eye. Radiating violet light, she opened a portal to the third dimension.

Her eye shone even more intensely as she went across the portal with her brothers to meet the druids. Upon arrival, she inhaled deeply, and as she exhaled, she gave life to the Syrons with the wisdom of the five elements: water, fire, air, earth, and ether, each represented by a rune. The first to appear was Dagaz, and the druids present watched the event in awe.

Nessy, though wounded, showed an expression of determination and serenity. "This was the price for giving life," she murmured as Dagaz shone in her right eye and activated a very powerful and hot flame. Mixed with the lake's water, it looked like a light-filled amethyst. The flames fused with the water, creating the perfect alchemy of water and fire.

In the water, the flames that had emerged from her mouth began to transmute, revealing the five Syrons, each with a unique and vibrant glow:


The Syrons of violet light symbolized awakening and transmutation. Its mission was to teach humans about the importance of enlightenment, how to awaken consciousness, and achieve positive changes on all levels. It would invite transformation, personal growth, and the realization of goals, providing the drive to accomplish them as long as they were born from the heart.


The Syrons of intense golden light, beautiful like the morning sun, would give them vitality and joy. Its energy would encourage them to always try to find a positive solution to any events they encounter. By invoking its power, they could clarify doubts and gain the clearness and energy needed to make the right decisions.


The Syrons of emerald green radiance, symbolizing growth and fertility, embodied the aspects of nurturing life, encouraging preservation and the appreciation of each being for its uniqueness. It would assist in new beginnings, like the fresh summer rain that prepares the earth for everything to sprout, grow, and bloom: dreams, goals, and projects like itcoin.


The Syrons of radiance, like diamonds, were the bearers of the power of communication and wisdom. They would be reliable for guiding and directing the druids. These Syrons would provide divine inspiration, granting the ability to listen and achieve the necessary connection. Its creative energy would enhance their skills and gifts, allowing all their desires to materialize.


The Syrons of gentle ruby radiance would represent gift and generosity, as well as exchange and reciprocity. "Seek them when you need to build community,“ Nessy told them, "for they have the power to foster connections, commitment, and cooperation. Their energy embodies hope, trust, and fairness."

The Syrons moved through the water, connecting with the druids and granting them the wisdom and power of the runes. Strengthened by this new connection, the druids thanked them and went out of the lake with renewed determination. They used their newfound strength to confuse and disorient the Roman invaders, protecting the forests with natural barriers and channeling the guardian spirits: the Syrons.

The Romans, faced with a resistance they could neither understand nor overcome, eventually withdrew. The forests and druidic wisdom were preserved, and the dragons watched from the depths, knowing their intervention had been crucial.

Nessy, though with only one eye, felt stronger, wiser, and loved. She would always be surrounded by her beloved Syrons.

To be continued...